Who Are We?
Previously known as The International Federation for Produce Coding (IFPC), is a coalition of fruit and vegetable associations from the around the globe that joined together in 2001 as equal partners to pursue the task of introducing a global standard for the use of international Price Look-Up (PLU) numbers.
Objectives of IFPS
The long term objective of the federation is to improve the supply chain efficiency of the fresh produce industry through developing, implementing and managing harmonised international standards.
In conjunction with stakeholders in the industry and to achieve the above goal IFPS also is focused on following objectives:
To act as a forum for comment and discussion on issues relating to international standards as they affect the produce industry.
To make recommendations and advocate appropriate courses of action in relation to international standards that affect the produce industry.
To develop, implement and manage an international standard for Price Look Up (PLU) numbers.
The doing of all such other things as are incidental or conducive to attainment of these objectives.
IFPS Structure Now
IFPS was incorporated in 2006, under the Companies Act 1985 [in England and Wales], with the registered office in the UK, and the Secretariat office in the US. The registered office is managed by our colleagues at The Fresh Produce Consortium, whilst the Secretariat is hosted by IFPA.
The General Assembly is controlling the Board of Directors. IFPS has established four Board Committees, the specialist of our members, for the different issues.
Food Safety Committee
Product Identification Committee
Chain Information Management Committee
Sustainability Committee
Need More Information?
For more information on IFPS please contact us. For addresses, phone numbers, etc. please see our Contact Page.
Board of Directors
Jane Proctor | Canadian Produce Marketing Association | Chair
Paula Dudley | United Fresh New Zealand | Vice Chair
Ed Treacy | International Fresh Produce Association (US)
Richard Schouten | Fresh Produce Center (NL)
Nigel Jenney | Fresh Produce Consortium (UK)
Principles and Bases for Food Safety Policies
The principles and bases for Food Safety Policies are put forward as the basis on which SHAFFE and IFPS members can jointly and separately engage retailers and interested parties (e.g., consumer groups), particularly those in the EU, to discourage them from implementing commercial “food safety standards” that go beyond legal requirements. Beside some general principles, others are grouped into Food Safety/Consumer Assurance Principles, Trade Principles, and Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) Principles.
Food poisoning outbreaks associated with the consumption of fresh produce are extremely rare. Good agricultural practices, hygiene preparations and packaging minimize the potential for contamination. The fresh produce industry has stringent standards in place to ensure that consumers can enjoy healthy, good quality fresh produce. Fresh produce is an essential part of a healthy diet, and retailers and others can all play their part in maintaining consumer confidence.