Implementation Guidance for Fresh Produce

The International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS), along with GS1 and other stakeholders developed implementation guidance for fresh foods, covering topics such as master data attributes, labelling, traceability, and GTIN assignment for the fresh produce industry.

Master Data Attributes

The guidance for master data attributes provides best practices on how to define and manage the essential information about fresh produce items and their packaging. The guidance covers the use of GS1 attribute definitions and data quality principles. The main objectives of the guidance are to ensure consistent and accurate description of fresh produce items, to enable efficient data exchange and synchronization, and to support product identification and differentiation.

Labelling Consumer Units

The guidance for labelling consumer units provides recommendations on how to apply GS1 standards to fresh produce items that are sold to consumers. The guidance covers the use of barcodes, data carriers, human readable information, and label design. The main objectives of the guidance are to ensure accurate and consistent identification of fresh produce items, to enable efficient scanning at point of sale, and to support consumer information and traceability needs.


The guidance for traceability provides a framework for implementing GS1 standards to enable end-to-end visibility and transparency of fresh produce supply chains. The guidance covers the use of key identifiers, such as GTINs, GLNs, and SSCCs, as well as data capture and sharing methods, such as EPCIS and GDSN. The main objectives of the guidance are to enhance food safety and quality, to support product recall and withdrawal, and to facilitate market access and regulatory compliance.

GTIN Assignment

The guidance for GTIN assignment provides rules on how to assign and maintain global trade item numbers (GTINs) for fresh produce items and their packaging. The guidance covers the use of GTIN allocation rules, GTIN reuse rules, and GTIN management processes. The main objectives of the guidance are to ensure unique and consistent identification of fresh produce items, to enable traceability and data quality, and to support product differentiation and innovation.


GS1 Fresh Foods Implementation Guidelines and other resources can be found in the Resources section.


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